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In a world where  the path to change is swallowed up by the mainstream culture, one must create a counter-culture that makes the change digestable.

Artivista ***, is a native Californian, San Francisco-based artist/activist  whose works are inspired by the social and political views of the National Democratic movement of the Philippines, as well as protest/revolutionary art from individual artists and collectives from around the world. He is trained by a handful of college classes, but socially acquired techniques through his peers and experimentation. He produces work in various mediums, including pen, acrylic, linocut, and digital media.

Currently artivista*** organizes with San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (SF CHRP) shares the vision of human rights advanced by the National Democratic movement of the Philippines. SFCHRP educates, organizes, and mobilizes people and communities in the Bay Area to take progressive action in upholding and supporting human rights in the Philippines and throughout the world.

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  1. sulong!

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